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Life of a Homeschooler 2.0

This is for the upcoming school year. I am conquering any tough questions people might have about being homeschooled, because we are normal people, not hermits or vegetarians, so let me shed some more light on the subject.

Myth 1: Our tests aren't hard.

Busted! We personally are doing college type work, which in turn means that we are also have college type test. Although they are tough, they're rewarding.

Myth 2: All/most homeschoolers are healthy eaters.

Busted! That is so far from true. I'm mean half the time we are running my family is running out of the door and we have to grab something on the go! More recently my mother is working on staying on point with our diet, but that is definitely not true.

Myth 3: Have a lot of time to spend.

Busted! I usually get done with school at 9pm. That doesn't meant that everyone is like that, but most of us have a lot of work to do.

Myth 4: We don't have extra-curricular activities.

Busted! That is so not true. I am a very athletic person, which means I play all sort of sports. My main one is soccer. Also, I play three instruments. Between those activities, I don't think I have time to wait around.

Myth 4: We are isolated.

Busted! Okay it is true that some homeschoolers live out in the country, but that doesn't mean we live isolated and protected lives. I have some of the most social friends you will ever meet. We are definitely aware of the world around us, although we do not participate in it.

Don't let these statements deter you from what may the be the best education of your life, but don't let it jade your perspective of what that life may look like.

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